SOAR Without Limits
6 Steps to Overcome Obstacles
and Achieve Results
SOAR Without Limits is a six-step process to overcome obstacles and achieve results. It can apply to a range of life experiences, and it addresses social and psychological factors that promote a fulfilled, healthy, and productive lifestyle.
Pocket Guide:
For Writers and Editors
This Pocket Guide will help writers and editors create a professional manuscript that achieves the writer's desired outcome. Many times, the difference between acceptance and rejection of a manuscript is how well it is edited. This guide will give the writer and editor a common foundation for communication. Working together they can turn a good manuscript into a great one.
Hairy's Ultimate Adventure
A Beloved Pet's Journey
through Rainbow Park
Hairy's Ultimate Adventure is a heartwarming story that will bring a tear to your eye and a smile to your face, while bringing comfort and hope to all pet lovers who have ever lost a pet. The story helps alleviate your pain of loss.
My Time My Life My Work
We all have a predefined time to be on this earth. What lies ahead in this vast universe is yet to be determined. This is my story with its good and challenging times. I have tried to focus on the good times. To dwell on the challenging times puts me in an uncomfortable frame of mind. Regrets? I have a few.
Baby Shoes
100 Stories by 100 Authors
What began as a worldwide call for authors became a collection of short, gripping stories from every genre you can imagine. Spend a minute each with one hundred minds, with literary slices from noir detective, to holiday heart warmer to serial killer thrill, flight of fantasy or erotica. The contribution by Larry Paz is "Whistler's Dilemma".
Flash Fction Anthologies
So many little time. FLASH! is the second volume in a series of crowdfunded celebrations of short-short fiction. 100 authors. 100 stories. No holds barred. That's the theme, and under it you'll find every flight of imagination you care to explore. From debut authors to seasoned professionals, this book's writers bring you short glimpses into their imaginations. The contribution by Larry Paz is "Hairy Plays Frisbee".