Interactive Leadership is the process of interacting with team members to achieve a desired outcome. A strong leader leads to achieve exceptional results, by using the resources and people using the best method possible. This pontification focuses on the leader’s interaction with team members.
An interaction leaders empowers team members, balances human energy, accentuates communication, and integrates physical and psychological characteristics of human behavior.
Participants actively contribute to the development and execution of shared desired outcomes. Team members work together on an equal footing to address issues, consider options, and forge decisions. This level of collaborate and cooperate helps establish an environment with creative, energetic, and productive members.
An effective leader can discern the type of interaction needed to address a specific situation. The diagram above covers some options a leader has available to interact with team members on a personal basis.
The four major categories to Accociate and Relate and their elements are:
Control is the power to influence or direct a person’s behavior.
Enforce is imposing rules on another person.
Convince is persuading a person to act.
Commitment is the act of being loyal to an activity.
Develop is to grow and advance a cause.
Explore is discussing an issue in detail.
Personal Acceptance is acquiescing to something someone offers.
Comply is acting in agreement with an individual.
Accommodate is acting in accordance with request.
Withdrawal is the act of refraining from involvement.
Avoid is keeping away from someone.
Abstain is restraining oneself from becoming involved.
You’ll notice that model suggests that there are a range of communication options available to the leader. Each of these option is appropriate depending on the situation the leader confronts. The challenge is to select the option that best addresses the situation.
Interactive leaders encourage team members to challenge the status quo and trust each other to approach issues in new and different way People who enjoy what they do are self-motivated and produce forward-thinking results. As you review the elements and the definitions of the Interactive Management Model, think about the various communication methods you have available to interaction with your team members. May your efforts produce extraordinary results