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Writer's pictureLarry Paz

Meet and Move

Updated: Mar 15, 2021

Meet and Move is my philosophy and technique of persuasion and negotiation. Persuasion is the act of influencing another person's attitude and behavior. To accomplish this, it is important to understand the other person’s beliefs, intentions, and motivations. The purpose of negotiation is to achieve a positive outcome between two or more people. Working toward a win-win solution. While this may not always be possible, it should be the desired outcome.

Before you can effectively persuade or negotiate with team members, you need to understand their aims and interests. Further, you need to consider their attitudes, knowledge, and level of interpersonal skills. Meeting others in their thought process helps you navigate through the communication maze. It helps if they will agree to small requests that align with their interests. Then, you both can move on to larger issues. Suggest ideas but be prepared for them to say “No”. Many times, “no” just means you haven’t communicated to reach a shared level of understanding.

Don't take resistance personally. If team members resist your idea, they are not rejecting you personally. Resistance is an indirect expression of an underlying concern, loss of control, or another obligation. Our job is to seek clarification by asking questions and making statements that will help bring the underlying concerns to the surface.

Be sure you communicate our desired outcome clearly and succinctly. Appeal to the other person’s logic, emotion, and/or authority, depending on their communication style. The greater your ability to apply the communication styles to us and others, the higher the possibility is that you will persuade others to believe and act in concert with a joint purpose.

Be on the alert for potential communication barriers. Be sure the timing is right. Always focus on the other people. What’s in it for them? Remove any physical barriers. Be sensitive to the person’s position and status. Be aware of their feelings and prejudices. Listen and watch for their feedback. Don’t manipulate. Seek common ground.

Suggest alternative strategies and compromises. Compromises are often positive alternatives which can often achieve greater benefit for all concerned compared to holding to the original positions. The goal is still win-win.

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