Many years ago, I posted the following adage in my office. It is still there. I’m reminded each day that any success I reach will be up to me.

Each of us must decide our own measure of success. When you achieve a desired outcome, you attain success. Yes, you deserve to succeed. A major component of success is growth. You must always keep growing. Life is a onetime event. Be a dreamer. Then follow up with action. Without action, dreams become wishes rather than desired outcomes.
If you are going to experience life to its richest you must be able to turn an adversity into a positive happening. Leave the status quo behind and move toward motivation. How we react to events separates successful people from the crowd. It take courage to act in the face of fear. “
I can't give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.” ―Herbert Boyard Swope
Focus on getting your projects done - not necessarily perfection. Perfection will come with practice. Successful people constantly examine their values and moral compass. They seek advice and counsel from others with varied viewpoints. The more objective you can be when you weigh decision options, the higher the probability your decisions will move you forward to your desired outcome.